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About JMB

JMB Aircraft is the production company of the VL3, a plane designed by Vanessa Air and produced in the past by Aveko.

JMB Aircraft is run by two Belgium brothers who started to fly when they were only fourteen years old. It’s safe to say that flying runs through their blood.

Their passion and dedication can be seen in the final product.

Behind JMB Aircraft is JMB Aviation, a Belgium company with more than 20 years of experience in aviation.

JMB Aviation owns a private airfield with a successful flight school. Maintenance and repair facilities are located in Amougies, Belgium.

We are attending all major aircraft exhibitions in the world. You can find us at Aero Friedrichshafen in Germany every year, the most important general aviation exhibition in Europe.


We started selling into the US in 2016. Two VL3s flew from Belgium to EAA AirVenture Oshkosh, crossing the Atlantic Ocean.

We look forward to continued success in the US market.

We crossed the Atlantic Ocean

How it


The JMB Aviation company is the exclusive reseller of Aveko in France and Belgium.

More than 85% of the aircraft produced by Aveko were sold by JMB Aviation. The Aveko aircraft is a hit with enthusiasts and flight schools.


The JMB Aviation company decided to acquire the Aveko company.

After the acquisition, we started to upgrade the aircraft. We changed the elevator design in order to allow the aircraft to fly faster. We also upgraded the interior for a fresher, more contemporary design.

The plane is a full success.


We started to produce the fuselage and wings. Now the plane is fully produced by JMB.

During 2016, we produced five aircraft per month while maintaining our dedication to quality and safety.


We have increased the power of VL3 Evolution aircraft with the 912iS engine which has better performance as well as lower fuel consumption and noise reduction.


Brand new version of the VL3 comes out powerred by the 915 is Rotax engine allowing the our aircrafts to reach another dimension of speed, climb rate and other enhanced aircraft features including a new facelift.


Longterm research and development process with the Turbotech TP-R90 engine brings a new ear to the ultralight aircraft industry with it‘s TBO multiply by two and first VL3 aircraft equipped with the turbine engine.


Partnership deal being announced by the JMB joining forces with the Evolution Aircraft. A unique 4 seater, turbine powerred engine aircrat now being produced and sold out of Czech Republic.


The company has hundred highly qualified staff.

Starting with our technicians and ending with the CEO, everybody is dedicated to producing a one-of-a-kind aircraft.

Come explore it with us today!

  • Jean-Marie Guisset
  • CEO, JMB Aircraft
  • Francois Stelandre
  • Design & Quality Manager, JMB Aircraft
  • William Jaunet
  • Production Manager, JMB Aircraft
  • Miroslava Skrivanova
  • Marketing Manager, JMB Aircraft


Our dealership network covers more than 30 countries all around the world.

JMB Aircraft team along with our dealers are ready to provide you with all necessary information about the VL3 aircraft and to help you arrange a demo flight closest to your country of origin.

More about our network on the Dealers page.

Dealer meeting, January 2020

European Regional Development Fund
Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness

The project


is co-financed by the European Union.

The aim is to strengthen the competitiveness on international markets, promotion of the company and the product and obtain new business partners and customers.

European Regional Development Fund
Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness

The project

Measurement of thermal load and emissivity of composite sandwich structures exposed to sunlight depending on the surface colour

is co-financed by the European Union.

The aim of this project is to find colour combinations that are safe from the point of view of the thermal load of composite structures in order to use this information while approving the design of the airplane in the countries in the warm climate zone.

Evropský fond pro regionální rozvoj
Operační program Podnikání a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost


'Veletrhy firmy JMB AIRCRAFT'

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.

Cílem je posílit konkurenceschopnost na mezinárodních trzích, propagace společnosti a produktu a získání nových obchodních partnerů a zákazníků.

Evropský fond pro regionální rozvoj
Operační program Podnikání a inovace pro konkurenceschopnost


Měření teplotního zatížení a emisivity kompozitních sendvičových konstrukcí vystavených slunečnímu záření v závislosti na povrchových barevných úpravách

je spolufinancován Evropskou unií.

Předmětem tohoto projektu je zjistit barevné kombinace, které jsou bezpečné z hlediska teplotního zatížení kompozitních konstrukcí s cílem získané podklady použít pro schvalování návrhu letounu v zemích v teplém klimatickém pásu.


Research & development of composite components technological parts of ultralight aircraft with the use of new materials and non-autoclaved technologies

This project FW01010258 is co-founded by the support of Technological agency of Czech Republic under the „TREND“ program.

Project aim
The aim of this project is a step forward towards effectivity of manufacturing technologies allowing a massive increase of the production units. Thanks to the new technology implementation, there will be a decrease in the manual work needed and increase of produced aircraft units. The suggestion of new manufacturing technology for composite components of the plane are based on the use of producer pre-manufactured materials (chemical or shape defined fibre) for the purpose of the production.


Výzkum a vývoj výrobních procesů kompozitních částí primární konstrukce malého letounu s využitím nových materiálů a neautoklávových technologií

Tento projekt FW01010258 je spolufinancován se státní podporou Technologické agentury ČR v rámci Programu „TREND“.

Cíl projektu
Cílem projektu je skokové zefektivnění výrobních technologií umožňující významné zvýšení produkce uchazeče. Zavedením nových výrobních technologií bude dosaženo významného snížení pracnosti výroby a tím zvýšení produkce letadel. Návrh nové výrobní technologie pro výrobu konkrétních pevnostních kompozitních částí letadla je založen na využití již od výrobce předpřipravených základních materiálů (chemicky nebo tvarově přesně definovaných tkanin) pro výrobu kompozitního dílu letadla.

Copyright 2023 © JMB Aircraft s.r.o. Nadrazni 635, 56501 Chocen, Czech Republic